Advantages of powder metallurgy structural parts described

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Powder metallurgy structural parts refers to the metal powder as raw material, production of manufactured powder metallurgy structural parts materials such as steel, iron, low alloy steel, copper alloy, stainless steel. And compared to conventional machining process has the following advantages:
① When the parts with irregular shapes, protruding or pits, various special-shaped hole-like, powder metallurgy are easy to make, with little or no additional machining. Has obvious economy.
② utilization of raw materials up to 99.5%.
③ parts of the contour, shape and size are very good consistency, and mechanical processing of all aspects of the variables are many, difficult to maintain consistency.
④ powder metallurgy process, several components can be integrated manufacturing, post-processing and assembly cost savings.
⑤ powder structural parts of the material density is controlled, with a certain amount of pore connectivity, and soaked in 5% -20% of the oil, with a certain degree of self-lubricating, thereby increasing wear resistance.
⑥ in the powder metallurgy production, due to the work surface of the mold has a very high finish, so that the parts also have a high surface finish.
Another structure of powder metallurgy parts for machinery parts can also be the same as plating, coating, heat treatment and other follow-up treatment, so its products are widely used in a variety of gears, timing belt pulleys, various internal and external suction wheel, various types of oil pump rotor, lock parts and ratchet, pawl, shaped blade, wheel connecting rod, will be from the set, pan-shaped friction components, valve plates, and other mechanical parts.
